This page demonstrates my other works which I have done. There is much more that I am not showcasing for the simple fact that this is quite the extensive portfolio as is.
Pieces featured show the work I've done with Flash, Director, Adobe Premiere and After Effects.
- Animation - Dream Gerfy: Create a short textual animation(typography) of any chosen 30 snippet of music.
- Development - Gallery: Create a flash picture gallery with animated transitions with proper code implementation.
- Promo - Lan Party: Create a short clip using only still to promote any event or cause you want.
- Mocumentary - A.S.E.C. 03: Create a 5 minute long spoof documentary of any chosen subject.
- Resume - Resume: Create a fully interactive resume featuring several portfolio pieces.
- Presentation - Procrastination: Create a presentation of any subject using audio and queue points to sync slides.